LCM concept

In: Shear variable decomposition

The solution of the longest chord method (LCM) for the shear variable decomposition can be understood from the following figure:

The shear stress path is evaluated in different directions to which it is projected, but then the method extends the original longest projection solution. The found maximum range of shear stress/strain values is directly located on the shear load path. The mean shear stress/strain Cm value is set with clear relation to shear load path geometry. If the value of mean shear stress/strain is not decisive in fatigue computation (this is the case of majority of methods in PragTic) the LCM and LPM methods give the same shear stress/strain amplitude. The problematic case on the right picture above queries the case, where the mean shear stress is set ambiguously. A better solution can be achieved by a minimum circumscribed circle method (MCCM).


longest projection method (LPM)

minimum circumscribed circle method (MCCM)

minimum circumscribed ellipse method (MCEM)

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